Saturday August 7th was a special day for Landon X 2. First, it was his birthday and he turned 8 years old. Second, he was baptized. He was so excited that he got to get baptized on his birthday. His baptism was at 9:00 a.m. They had a short program with a couple of talks and then they dismissed individual wards to go to the baptismal font. Dave was able to baptize Landon and confirm him. It was a special experience seeing my oldest son baptized.After the baptism we had some light refreshments at the playground behind our house. Landon also opened his gifts for his baptism. We bought him some scriptures. He also got a book, a scripture case, some ties, some scripture stickers, and a baptism coloring book.
After the baptism I had to go and get things ready for his birthday party that night. I bought food and balloons. Then went home wrapped presents and finished the goodie bags. Then we went to my mom's house to set things up and get the food ready. The theme for Landon's party was SpongeBob Squarepants. For dinner we had Krabby Patties A.K.A Hamburgers. Everyone got to build their own with a variety of toppings including bacon. I thought of a couple other ideas later that would have been good to include.
After dinner we played a game. The kids were divided into 2 teams. At each end were buckets, one with water and one without. The kids had to dip a sponge into the bucket of water and then run to the other in and squeeze the water out into the other bucket. They had a lot of fun but I think it was a little confusing. Some of the kids were squeezing the water into the other teams bucket.Then we played hot potato. My mom bought it at the store. It is a little stuffed potato and when you squeeze it it makes music. When the music stops whoever is holding it is out. They had fun with it but we made it so no one was outwhen the music stopped.
After that Landon opened his presents. Once again he got some good stuff. He got clothes, games, a hooded bath towel, a Nintendo DS and some games.
After the opening of the presents we had cheesecake for dessert and then the party was pretty much over. Landon passed out the goodie bags to those who came. I am so proud of Landon. He is such a good kid! His birthday was a busy but fun day!!
2 Months
13 years ago
Fun, fun! See you soon!
Oh, it looks like it was a great day. So sad we missed it all but so proud of Landon. He is such a sweet boy.
It was a fun day! Landon is a great kid. We love him lots!
Congrats! Congrats! What a huge step in the right direction :)
It was a very special day! We sure do love Landon and the pictures of his baptism are so special. He's a great young man and we expect great things from him as he continues to grow up. He's a great example to his younger cousins!
Love, Grandmom
hi i was checking out your goodie bags and i was wondering where did you purchase the spongebob buckets
sorry its me again about the spongebob buckets my e mail is
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